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Our impact.

Pippa Mouse is a Brown Dun 12.2 H Mare. Pippa is 7 years old. Very sweet.

Belle is we think around 4. Belle came to us just halter broke. Belle currently is being fully groomed and looking to humans for social interaction. We are very excited to slowly start working Belle. While Belle is for adoption she is not ready for anyone other than a seasoned horse home at this time. She is 15.1 and very sweet. Stay tuned.

Rory is a 10-year old thoroughbred quarter horse who's been adopted. He's being used for lessons and is flourishing in his new home.

Harmony has been adopted by the same wonderful family that adopted Oliver!
Come back soon for information on these lovely ladies. They will be available late August. Get your applications in . We have a list of people that want to see them. Approved applications go first.

Forrest is a 2.4 month old 2016 Thoroughbred never raced. His mom was rescued from starvation. Forrest was a surprise to the man that gave his mom a forever home. Unfortunately Forrest could not stay with his mom. He has spent his last 2 years in beautiful fields in PA waiting for his chance to shine. This young man has never had a place to call home (he knows love) but is a lost boy. We at RSHR hope to give Forrest that chance!

Pixi is proud to be Rising Starr's Spokes-Pony.
Paris will be 4 this spring. She is a Silver Dun. This young lady is a wonderful mover.

HHH has three nice gaits, jumps loves the trails! But HHH has been abused severely from the ground, he needs a little patience working around his ears. He is super to ride.
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